Sunday, July 6, 2008

Theorists I will be referring to:

Mulvey-Male Gaze:
Aishawariya Rai in one scene wears revealing attire and this scene is later followed by her spouse taking advantage of her and therefore forcing himself on her and carrying out the activity of maritual rape.

Shulasmith Firestone: She stated females are biologically oppressed in their families and this idea is evident as the victim is unable to defend herself as she is physically weaker than the male is appears to be masculine and powerful.

Levi Strauss:
He talked about binary oppositions in media texts, and my study conforms to his idea from the dated stereotype of females in Bollywood movies in comparision to its British Asian counterparts which attempt to subvert the typical sterotype of females whenever there is a chance.

Gunter's 'Media, Gender and identity' hypothesis claims that women were twice as likely to be seen inside the home than men. This is clearly advocated through various scenes in Provoked which manifest Aishawariya Rai as the typical indian housewife, whilst her husband goes 2 work. Not only is this conforming to steroetypes of Asian females, but is also strenghthening the male position as the sole breadwinner in families.

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